Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Typical weekday in my shoes…

6:30-8:00am – I wake up any time between these hours and I will do a Bible study, journal, read a book…

8:00-9:00 – Shower (without a shower head) and get ready time!...Showers here take me WAY longer than at home (kind of disappointing).

9:00-9:30 – Go into the house and have breakfast…maybe read the newspaper if there happens to be one in English on the table

9:30-9:40 – Take meds (without fail) and brush teeth.

9:40-9:50 – Walk to school and NOT get hit by a car but get honked at by EVERYONE. If it is raining then try and avoid ALL the puddles which is basically impossible.

9:50-10:00 – Set-up our computers so that they are ready during our breaks.

10:00am-1:30pm – HINDI CLASS!!!...(if it is raining them most likely class will not start until at least ten minutes after 10) This is the time to fill our brains with words without vowels and script that looks like art. We usually get 2-3 breaks that total 30 minutes all together, and Raguji brings us the MOST delicious tea at 11:00 sharp.

1:30-3:00 – Try to eat lunch…haha. Ok, it’s not that bad, but we just eat lunch and lounge around the office and use the computers and walk back home.

3:00-5:00 – Free time, we usually rest or walk to the market if it is cool by this time. We don’t know what to do here because all the kids are still in school, so we can’t play with them.

5:00-6:00 – TEA TIME!!!...this time is NEVER skipped at our house or our mom would be SOO sad if we did not come to tea. While we have tea we usually watch the Olympics together, but I don’t think that our mom really cares about them, but if our dad is there then he watches them with us and comments on EVERYTHING. It’s great. I like it.

6:00-8:00 – Sometimes we stay in the house and watch more Olympics, but sometimes we have homework that we have to do or we type out blog entries (as I am doing now) or emails in our room, so that we can send them when we get to school the next day.

8:00-9:00 – Go back into the house for dinner while our mom and the servant’s children glue their eyes to the TV to watch two soap operas. I thought soap operas in the US were ridiculous (sorry to those who watch them), but the ones here in India are TRULY dramatic. Now, if I could only understand what is happening, it would be great.

9:00-10:30 – Head back to our room and to write and read and get ready for bed, so that we get 8 hours of sleep!!!

Hopefully I will get some pictures up just takes forever to load them and i don't usually have enough time.


Anonymous said...

Renee! I am going to add to the crowd and say I LOVE reading these blogs!! Thanks!! But I am disappointed your showers are taking longer - I mean come on! But glad to hear you are showering every day - or so you say...haha. Sounds so amazing and I stand by my claim that I know you will be so into it and loving it in no time! So glad to hear! I miss you lots and am praying for you! :D

Much love!!


Anonymous said...

RENEE!!! i enjoy reading your blog. I like hearing what you are up to and try to picture what it is like for you. Crazy! I miss you and think of you often. you are in my prayers! i love you! and look forward to hearing more about your experiences.
love you lots!
love, Nikki